Red Cloud Indian School News Archives
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News from 2013
- Red Cloud Students Today, Pine Ridge's Entrepreneurs Tomorrow, December 30, 2013
- Alumni Profile: Christian McGhee, December 26, 2013
- Christmas Reflection 2013, December 24, 2013
- Elementary Schools' Christmas Programs Celebrate Catholic-Lakota Tradition, December 23, 2013
- Lakota Nation Invitational, 2013, Overview
- Red Cloud Students Place at First Ever LNI Poetry Slam, December 21, 2013
- Changing Rez Economics: Students Present Business Plans for Change, December 19, 2013
- Students Start Strong at Lakota Nation Invitational, Win Lakota Language Bowl, December 19, 2013
- Red Cloud is Sole Winner in Big Foot Basketball Tournament, December 17, 2013
- Student-Athletes Prepare to Wow 8,000 Spectators at Lakota Nation Invitational, December 17, 2013
- Red Cloud's Lakota Language Project Highlighted in Rapid City Journal, December 15, 2013
- Red Cloud Elementary's Craft Night Brings Holiday Cheer, December 9, 2013
- Students Show Skill at Local Lakota Language Contest, December 6, 2013
- Red Cloud Featured in National Report on Native Education, December 4, 2013
- VIDEO: Wóphila Tȟáŋka! We Are Thankful For So Much!, November 27, 2013
- Museum Educator Expands Opportunities for Artistic Expression on the Reservation,November 22, 2013
- Alumnus Returns to Teach Lakota Studies After Studying at Columbia University, November 22, 2013
- Students Impress National Scientists at AISES, November 19, 2013
- Red Cloud Presents Lakota Language Curriculum at Premier Native Education Conference, November 14, 2013
- Red Cloud Launches the Economic Development Initiative To Support Native-Owned Businesses, November 6, 2013
- Red Cloud Rolls Out The Nation's First Comprehensive K-12 Lakota Language Curriculum, October 30, 2013
- Hundreds Turn Out for Red Cloud Indian School's 125th Anniversary Event, October 25, 2013
- Red Cloud Students Prepare for the Lakota Language Bowl, October 24, 2013
- Students Visit Alumni at Area Universities, Prep for College, October 15, 2013
- Regarding the Red Cloud Athletic Fund and the Washington Redskins, October 11, 2013
- A 400 Mile Spiritual Walk Brings Wisdom to Red Cloud Jesuit, September 30, 2013
- Red Cloud Indian School Celebrates 125 Years of Service, Sepember 18, 2013
- Heritage Center Artist Profile: Wade Patton, September 9, 2013
- Leading the Way in Native Ministry: A Q&A with Pastoral Coordinator Veronica Valandra, September 9, 2013
- Discovering a World of Native Art on Pine Ridge, September 5, 2013
- Former Volunteer Returns to Coordinate Red Cloud's Volunteer Program, September 4, 2013
- Red Cloud & The Heritage Center Featured on Fox News, August 26, 2013
- Bridgewater State University Brings Literacy Workshop to Red Cloud, August 26, 2013
- Aluma Advocates for Native Families in Denver, August 23, 2013
- Student Science Leads to Accidental Innovation, August 21, 2013
- Moving Lakota Language into the Digital Age, August 19, 2013
- Breaking Barriers in Science, August 19, 2013
- Red Cloud Scholar Opens Local Business & Pursues Music Career, August 7, 2013
- Red Cloud Student Supports Biofuel Research, Works with Scientists, August 5, 2013
- National Geographic Awards Alum with Photography Scholarship, July 26, 2013
- New Volunteers Prepped for Using Lakota Language, July 26, 2013
- Alumni Rilda Means Returns to Red Cloud and Looks Toward Law School, July 12, 2013
- Red Cloud Alumnus Returns Through Dartmouth Fellowship, July 10, 2013
- In Memoriam: Reflecting on the Life of Chief Oliver Red Cloud, July 9, 2013
- Learning Opportunities Continue into Summer at Red Cloud, June 20, 2013
- New Scholarship Allows Graduates to "Complete the Circle" & Give Back to Their Communities, June 10, 2013
- Fourth Grade Students Use Imagination During Trip to Brookings, June 10, 2013
- 2013 Red Cloud Indian Art Show Winners Announced, June 6, 2013
- Completing the Circle, Former Red Cloud Students Share Wisdom in Commencement Speeches, June 5, 2013
- 8th Graders Celebrate Graduation, May 31, 2013
- 45th Annual Red Cloud Indian Art Show Set to Open, May 31, 2013
- Wóphila Tȟáŋka! From Red Cloud's Class of 2013 + PHOTOS!, May 31, 2013
- OLL First Graders Honored by Sanford Poison Center, May 30, 2013
- An Orchard Grows at Red Cloud, May 30, 2013
- Celebrating Annual Graduation Mass with Prayers and Reflection, May 29, 2013
- Meet Our Graduates: Christian, Stormy & Duran, May 23, 2013
- PHOTOS: 25th Annual Graduation Wačipí and Feather Tying Ceremony, May 22, 2013
- Meet Our Graduates: Sierra, Amanda & Tobie, May 22, 2013
- The Heritage Center Launches Blue Star Museums, May 21, 2013
- SDSU Professors Wow Students with Science, May 21, 2013
- Meet Our Graduates: Justina, Jasa & Shane, May 20, 2013
- The Heritage Center Hosts the Pine Ridge Playwrights Project, May 16, 2013
- Meet Our Graduates: January, Mickie & Tatiana, May 15, 2013
- Red Cloud Senior Receives State Honor, Heads to Dartmouth, May 13, 2013
- Graduating Seniors Earn National Scholarships, May 13, 2013
- Alumni Profile: Ashley Pourier, May 10, 2013
- May: Month of Mary's Faith, May 9, 2013
- Red Cloud Honored for Decades of Service, May 7, 2013
- Red Cloud Students Shadow Medical Professionals, April 30, 2013
- Super Apple Man Motivates Elementary Students to Eat Healthy & Be Kind, April 30, 2013
- Educators Bring Badlands National Park into the Classroom, April 26, 2013
- Cross-cultural Friendships Grow with St. Thomas More Exchange Program, April 25, 2013
- Four Red Cloud Students Confirmed by Bishop, April 24, 2013
- Focusing on Social Justice, A Jesuit Leader Visits from Rome, April 22, 2013
- Red Cloud's Jesuits Reflect on the Election of Pope Francis, April 17, 2013
- Visit to Reservation Leaves Impression on Service Group from Marquette University, April 12, 2013
- Red Cloud Indian School Students Advance to International Science Competition, March 28, 2013
- Red Cloud Celebrates Holy Week, March 28, 2013
- Middle School's Crusaders Win Big Foot Conference with Season Record, March 28, 2013
- Students Take Fresh Look at Their Backyard During Badlands Camp, March 25, 2013
- Pastoral Staff and Lay Ministers from RCIS Participate in Pastoral Ministry Days, March 19, 2013
- St. Thomas More High School Visits Red Cloud Indian School as Part of Ongoing Exchange, March 18, 2013
- KOTA Territory News Airs "Children First" Report: Red Cloud Students Aiming for the Ivy League, March 17, 2013
- Red Cloud Honors Volunteer Faculty and Staff, March 15, 2013
- Journalism Class Launches Red Cloud Indian School's First Blog, March 13, 2013
- Red Cloud Celebrates National AmeriCorps Week, March 12, 2013
- Local Professionals Inspire Students to Attain Post Secondary Education, March 12, 2013
- Colton Sierra '14 Receives Writing Award, March 8, 2013
- Summer Montileaux '17 Wins Award in Poetry Contest, March 7, 2013
- Our Lady of Lourdes Raises $1500 During Annual Pennies for Patients Campaign, March 4, 2013
- Red Cloud Announces Partnership with South Dakota State University, February 28, 2013
- Students Get a Sampling of University Life During Recent Visits, February 26, 2013
- Bishop Robert Gruss to Address Parishioners at Sacred Heart Church, February 22, 2013
- Native Scientist from Procter & Gamble Inspires Students, February 11, 2013
- OLL Honor Roll Students Enjoy Ice-Skating Field Trip, February 8, 2013
- Profile: Justin Mesteth, student-athlete, February 8, 2013
- Brother Bill Foster retires after 47 years of service, February 8, 2013
- Receiving young members into our faith communities, February 1, 2013
- Colorado nonprofit delivers 11,000 lbs of flour to Pine Ridge, January 29, 2013
- Red Cloud President delivers commencement address at Bridgewater State University, January 28, 2013
- RCMS Girls Basketball B-Team wins Big Foot Conference, January 23, 2013
- Photos: Red Cloud at the Lakota Nation Invitational, January 7, 2013
News from 2012
- Our Lady of the Sioux Christmas store, a success!, December 2012
- Prayers for Newtown, CT, December 2012
- Area churches build community during annual bazaars, December 2012
- High School students win the 2012 Lakota Language Bowl at LNI, December 2012
- Annual school Christmas Shows bring smiles to the community, December 2012
- Red Cloud Indian School chosen for national guide on STEM education, December 2012
- Parishioner's Annual Christmas mission brings gifts and stories to RCES students, Decemeber 2012
- Healthy Choices Week '12 a success!, December 2012
- RCHS students prepare for Lakota Nation Invitational, December 2012
- Follow Up: My summer at Phillips Exeter Academy, December 2012
- Award-winning author and illustrator S.D. Nelson visits RCIS, December 2012
- Local lay ministers visit Rome for St. Kateri canonization, November 2012
- Juniors strengthen Lakota and Catholic values at annual retreat, November 2012
- Parishioners from Nebraska join Our Lady of the Sioux for Thanksgiving, November 2012
- New royalty crowned at Red Cloud Indian School's T.W.O. Pow Wow, November 2012
- RCHS students return from trip to AISES conference in Alaska, November 2012
- Looking to the future: RCHS students visit Black Hills State University, November 2012
- Administrators serve annual Thanksgiving lunch to students, November 2012
- Celebrating the Native American Saint: St. Kateri Tekakwitha, November 2012
- CND Sisters celebrate forty years of service, November 2012
- Update: Red Cloud counselor's marathon turns relief effort, November 2012
- Shannon County Speech Contest results, November 2012
- Pastoral team retreat focuses on Native American saint, October 2012
- Annual retreat welcomes new freshman class to high school, October 2012
- Program brings hundreds of pairs of free shoes to Red Cloud, September 2012
- New soccer club a hit among local youth, September 2012
- Creighton Immersion Weekend gives students in-depth look at college life, September 2012
- Homecoming week includes fun for everyone, September 2012
- Elementary school counselor running marathons around the country, September 2012
- The Heritage Center to feature interactive art installation, September 2012
- New Wellness Center construction underway, September 2012
- Massive fire thankfully spares Red Cloud campus, Pine Ridge, September 2012
- Lakota Voice Project highlights hope on Pine Ridge, September 2012
- Amherst College experience enriches summer for three students, September 2012
- 85 year old former student has watched history unfold, August 2012
- Alumni Profile: Juwan Lakota '07, August 2012
- HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visits Red Cloud, August 2012
- Red Cloud program selected for national research study, August 2012
- AmeriCorps director thrilled about large staff, grant renewal, August 2012
- Alumni Profile: Nakina Mills '98, August 2012
- Advancement office includes remarkable staff longevity, August 2012
- Tekakwitha Conference comes on heels of joyous news, August 2012
- Two Red Cloud staff members attend global Jesuit summit, August 2012
- Alumni Profile: Autumn White Eyes '10, August 2012
- Vacation Bible school provides summer fun and learning for area youth, August 2012
- Christian McGhee '08 completes the circle, August 2012
- Science camp scholarships give students enriching summer experience, August 2012
- Heritage Center director invited to present at conference in Brazil, July 2012
- Red Cloud mentioned in National Geographic article on Pine Ridge, July 2012
- Video: National Museum of the American Indian Artist Leadership Program at Red Cloud, July 2012
- Superheroes take Red Cloud by storm, July 2012
- Georgetown students' visit includes impromptu 5 on 5, July 2012
- Alumni Profile: Marie Zephier '04, July 2012
- National Geographic about to release major cover story on reservation, July 2012
- Artist Profile: Elizabeth Morrison, July 2012
- Philadelphia friends spend week on the reservation, July 2012
- Red Cloud grad aces AP English exam, July 2012
- First Reconciliation and first Holy Communion celebrated, July 2012
- Video: Volunteering at Red Cloud, July 2012
- Alumni Profile: Clementine Bordeaux '02, June 2012
- RCMS student accepted to summer program at Phillips Exeter Academy, June 2012
- Artist Profile: Lorri Ann Two Bulls,June 2012
- Alumni Profile: Maka Akannajin Clifford '04, June 2012
- Two RCHS teachers learn Lakota online, June 2012
- Heritage Center item showcased at Smithsonian, June 2012
- Delegation from New Zealand visits Heritage Center, tours campus, June 2012
- Alumni Profile: Lisa Yellow Horse '96, June 2012
- Red Cloud fourth grader heads to Space & Robotics camp in Alabama, June 2012
- Members of British Parliament pay visit to Red Cloud, June 2012
- Two Red Cloud students take part in Washington filmmaking workshop, June 2012
- 2012 Red Cloud Indian Art Show winners announced, June 2012
- Recent graduate receives Inspirational Leadership Award, June 2012
- Theodore L. Hamilton named new RCIS superintendent, June 2012
- USDA Under Secretary for Rural Devolopment visits Red Cloud School, June 2012
- Seeing the vision, experiencing the humanity, June 2012
- Red Cloud Middle School graduation, May 2012
- Our Lady of Lourdes eighth grade graduation, May 2012
- Middle school students receive academic awards, May 2012
- Students receive over $30,000 in scholarships, May 2012
- The Heritage Center to participate in Blue Star Museums, May 2012
- Class of 2012 says its final goodbyes, May 2012
- Red Cloud Class of 2012 future plans, May 2012
- College a challenging but fulfilling journey for recent grad, May 2012
- Athletic director reflects back on rewarding dozen years, May 2012
- Kindergarten class looks ahead to first grade, May 2012
- RCHS salutatorian a renowned scholar-athlete, May 2012
- Our Lady of Lourdes Kindergarten class graduates, May 2012
- Baccalaureate Mass a bittersweet occasion for seniors, May 2012
- OLL first grader wins statewide art contest, May 2012
- Red Cloud alum prepares to finish PhD program, May 2012
- Graduation powwow a celebration of outgoing seniors, May 2012
- Middle school students win prizes in multimedia contest, May, 2012
- Fostering hope: Another view of Pine Ridge, May 2012
- Sister Mary-Jane celebrates 50 year jubilee, May 2012
- Students inducted into National Honor Society, May 2012
- Scholarships, other awards given at spring banquet, May 2012
- New RCIS curriculum director brings key skills to the table, May 2012
- Red Cloud students compete in reservation-wide science fair, May 2012
- Students make strong showing at reservation awards banquet, May 2012
- Children's Museum trip gives students memories to last a lifetime, May 2012
- Counselor Lenny Clifford marks 40th year at Red Cloud, May 2012
- Tiarra Little '12 makes West River Conference history, May 2012
- Staff receive longevity awards at annual banquet, May 2012
- New confirmands welcomed into the church, May 2012
- US Senator Tim Johnson visits Red Cloud, May 2012
- Red Cloud finishes strong at track & field tournament, April 2012
- Three seniors awarded Gates Millennium Scholarships, April 2012
- Senior Marisa Snider awarded Creighton Scholarship, April 2012
- OLL archery team wins tournament, April 2012
- Senior retreat balances fun, reflection, prayer, April 2012
- Senior Lyle Jacobs wins full-ride scholarship to Duke University, April 2012
- Red Cloud alum helps develop Lakota language iPhone app, April 2012
- Six Red Cloud teams given state academic achievement awards, April 2012
- Massachusetts visitors, book fairies, and beaches-in-a-bag, April 2012
- Easter day welcomes many into Catholic Church through baptism, April 2012
- Red Cloud alum returns to campus for activity day, April 2012
- Happy birthday Brother Mike!, April 2012
- Reservation parishes hold Holy Week triduum services, April 2012
- Nicaragua trip a life-changing experience for Red Cloud student, April 2012
- Red Cloud students win prizes in Arizona art show, April 2012
- Visiting scientist lecture series continues with event for all ages, April 2012
- New online site lets students tell their stories using photographs, April 2012
- Hawaiian visitors enthrall students with cultural performances, March 2012
- Fourth graders given cameras to create images of hope, March 2012
- Pennies for Patients drive success leads to head shaving, March 2012
- Photo gallery: wind damage in Porcupine, March 2012
- Disciple Days event held at Sacred Heart Church, March 2012
- Photo gallery: students practice Lakota culture with tipi raising, March 2012
- Students observe medicine firsthand in hospital job shadowing, March 2012
- Matt Rama leaves behind long and distinguished legacy, March 2012
- Prom dress donation drive brings Maryland visitors, March 2012
- Indianapolis students spend week on campus for student exchange, March 2012
- Meet the new Jesuit in town, March 2012
- Alum Swallow named to all-conference first team, March 2012
- Students participate in tribal youth council meeting, March 2012
- Creighton Medical School visitors broaden students' horizons, March 2012
- Stations of the Cross commemorated at local parishes, March 2012
- Students use street theater to broadcast anti-alcohol message, March 2012
- Five students accepted to Georgetown U's Pathways to Success program, March 2012
- High school teacher receives coaching award, March 2012
- Elementary students celebrate Read Across America Day, March 2012
- Pennies for Patients drive in full swing, February 2012
- Students travel to Sioux Falls for robotics competition, February 2012
- Red Cloud grads thriving at southwestern colleges, February 2012
- OLL students become high-schoolers for a day, February 2012
- 2012 cheer camp a success, February 2012
- Visiting artist provides unique after-school opportunity, February 2012
- Superintendent Brave Heart reflects on the past, looks to the future, February 2012
- Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated at Our Lady of the Sioux, February 2012
- Sophomore retreat gives students fond memories, life lessons, February 2012
- Female wrestlers add diversity to Red Cloud team, February 2012
- High school drum group presented with special flag by tribal council, February 2012
- High school visiting scientist lecture series kicks off, February 2012
- Student art goes to state legislators, February 2012
- Fourth graders experience Black Hills Symphony, January 2012
- Red Cloud High School seniors earn prestigious national scholarships, January 2012
News from 2011
- Red Cloud High School cheerleaders win Lakota Nation Invitation competition for third straight year, December 2011
- Red Cloud Indian School to bring more than 100 students to Lakota Nation Invitational, December 2011
- Build a Computer Program, December 2011
- Parish News: Sister Barbara Bogenschutz, O.P., November 2011
- Middle school participates in speech contest, November 2011
- Lakota Language program displays its success, November 2011
- High school students to travel to Nicaragua this spring, November 2011
- Red Cloud partners with The Journey Museum and NASA for education on solar system, November 2011
- Science Department sends high school students to AISES Conference, November 2011
- “Culture in a Box” part of learning, November 2011
- NEA chairman to visit The Heritage Center, November 2011
- Red Cloud student-athletes qualify for national cross country championships, November 2011
- Red Cloud juniors and seniors exposed to various universities, October 2011
- Fr. Don Doll S.J. honored at the Dahl Fine Arts Center, October 2011
- Creighton University mentors visit Red Cloud, October 2011
- Red Cloud middle school football team goes undefeated, October 2011
- Red Cloud Indian School celebrates Red Ribbon Week, October 2011
- Pine Ridge Indian Reservation’s The Heritage Center selected as a national leader through new ArtPlace initiative, September 2011
- Parish News: Parishioners attend Tekawitha Conference, September 2011
- Parish News: Disciple Days at Sacred Heart Church, September 2011
- Parish News: Sister Connie nominated as finalist for the 2011 Lumen Christi Award, August 2011
- U.S. States Attorneys visit Red Cloud Indian School, July 2011
- Former president of Red Cloud Indian School returns to reservation, July 2011
- Red Cloud athletes represent a nation, July 2011
- Red Cloud High School alumni to host athletic camps, July 2011
- Parish News: Vacation Bible School, June 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary celebrates 8th grade graduation, May 2011
- Our Lady of Lourdes celebrates 8th grade graduation, May 2011
- The Heritage Center at Red Cloud Indian School presents Contemporary Native Arts Week at the Dahl Arts Center, May 2011
- Red Cloud Indian School offers scholarships to students in grades 5-7 for summer programs at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, May 2011
- Red Cloud students host students from St. Thomas More High School as part of culture sharing pen pal program, May 2011
- Parish News: Confirmation, May 2011
- Red Cloud students take home six of eight awards at reservation-wide student recognition banquet, May 2011
- Red Cloud High School announces commencement exercises, May 2011
- Red Cloud High School students lead nation in Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholarship recipients, April 2011
- High school students from Red Cloud, Custer gather for exchange program, April 2011
- Parish News: Kyle parishioners commissioned as lay ministers, April 2011
- Our Lady of Lourdes student takes first place at state archery competition, April 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary School students earn first-place awards at technology conference, April 2011
- Seven Red Cloud High School seniors participating in job shadows, April 2011
- Red Cloud High School students honored at national art show in Phoenix, Arizona, April 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary student’s poster design wins South Dakota National Guard contest, April 2011
- Red Cloud High School adds soccer to athletic offerings, April 2011
- Parish News: Family Wellness Meetings at Our Lady of the Sioux, March 2011
- The Heritage Center at Red Cloud Indian School gets oversized, March 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary students vote for favorite books as part of weeklong read-a-thon, March 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary adds soccer and softball programs to roster of athletic teams, March 2011
- Students from Washington, D.C., volunteer at Our Lady of Lourdes this week, March 2011
- Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary to host parents and families at awards breakfast for students, March 2011
- Admissions testing date for enrollment to Red Cloud High School announced, March 2011
- International students from Japan, South Korea attend Red Cloud High School, March 2011
- Parish News: Our Lady of the Sioux spring social, March 2011
- Wrestling season wrap-up, March 2011
- Red Cloud High School announces partnership with South Dakota’s three state universities, March 2011
- Team of staff members from Red Cloud Indian School begin planning for a new website, February 2011
- Red Cloud High School junior is one of 30 students to earn scholarship from State Department, February 2011
- Red Cloud High School junior class to host bingo fundraiser for prom, February 2011
- Parish News: Our Lady of the Sioux Parishioner receives war medal, February 2011
- Students from Our Lady of Lourdes raise more than $1000 to stop leukemia and lymphoma, February 2011
- Parish News: Women's group plans bingo, February 2011
- Our Lady of Lourdes students shine at reservation-wide spelling contest, February 2011
- Red Cloud Elementary, Our Lady of Lourdes basketball teams to scrimmage Saturday as part of family fun event, February 2011
- Red Cloud High School to host first round of the 15A Girls Basketball District Tournament, January 2011
- Red Cloud High School offers Financial Aid Night on Wednesday, February 2, January 2011
- Lakota lay minister named parish life coordinator at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pine Ridge, January 2011
- Red Cloud High School students use artistic talents to promote driving safety, January 2011
- Parish News: Pastor of Sacred Heart Church named new pastoral coordinator for Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, January 2011
- Red Cloud basketball coach offers peewee league for reservation youth in grades 1-4, January 2011
- Alumni from Red Cloud Indian School return home to thank friends of organization, January 2011
External News Articles featuring Red Cloud Indian School from 2009 to 2013
- After six years and $2.2 Million, School Fights to Save Lakota Language, Rapid City Journal, December 15, 2013
- Education in Indian Country: Obstacles & Opportunities, Education Week, December 4, 2013
- Teaching the Lakota Language to the Lakota People, Al Jazeera, December 1, 2013
- Indiana University Helps Design Program to Teach Lakota, Argus Leader, November 18, 2013
- Students Find Their Voices at National Indian Education Conference, Rapid City Journal, November 1, 2013
- Red Cloud Storms Over St. Francis, Lakota Country Times, October 10, 2013
- Jesuit Secondary Education Association Recognizes Red Cloud's 125th,, September 20, 2013
- Red Cloud & The Heritage Center Featured on FOXNews, KEVN FOXNews, August 24, 2013
- Scholarships Help Red Cloud Graduates Support Pine Ridge, Indian Country Today, July 5, 2013
- The Healing Trees: Planting Takes Off in Pine Ridge and Beyond, Indian Country Today, June 26, 2013
- New Art Meets Old Culture at Red Cloud, Rapid City Journal, June 20, 2013
- Growing an Art Collection Takes All Kinds of Talent, Rapid City Journal, June 16, 2013
- RCIS Students Win National Scholarships, Including the Gates Millennium, Lakota Country Times, May 15, 2013
- Students Honored During 35th Annual Pine Ridge Awards Banquet, Lakota Country Times, May 08, 2013
- Graduate Hopes to Bring Positive Light to Pine Ridge as Future Tribal Lawyer,, May 08, 2013
- Badlands Artist Promotes Community Connections, Rapid City Journal, April 30, 2013
- Red Cloud Students Advance to International Science Competition, Lakota Country Times, April, 3, 2013
- Second Annual Badlands Youth Camp Fosters Cultural Exchange, Lakota Country Times, March 27, 2013
- Badlands National Park Hold Annual Youth Camp, Black Hills Fox News, March 19, 2013
- Crusader Defense Sparks Offence in Win, Rapid City Journal, March 1, 2013
- Red Cloud Races into Region 8A Title Tilt, Rapid City Journal, February 22, 2013
- Red Cloud Students Donate to Walking Forward, KOTA ABC News, Februrary 7, 2013
- Who's sorry now?: Layli Long Soldier deconstructs Obama's apology, Indian Country Today, February 6, 2013
- Duran Richards leading Crusader boys, KEVN Fox News, January 23, 2013
- Boys basketball: Red Cloud hammers Wildcats, Rapid City Journal, January 19, 2013
- Bridgewater State holds winter commencement (Red Cloud President Speaks),, January 19, 2013
- Carlow excited to be Red Cloud's head girl's basketball coach, Lakota Country Times, January 9, 2013
- Senior leads Crusaders, freshman finishes Patriots, Rapid City Journal, January 8, 2013
- Red Cloud High School wins Lakota Language Bowl, Indian Country Today Media Network, January 6, 2013
- Crusaders play at LNI could be a season bookmark, Rapid City Journal, December 30, 2012
- LNI boys: Playing with a heavy heart, Rapid City Journal, December 19, 2012
- Lakota Voice Project takes hold in Rapid City,Black Hills Knowledge Network, December 15, 2012
- Study examines programming at Pine Ridge school, KSFY, ABC News, December 14, 2012
- Growing Up Indian: Hope on the reservation, Argus Leader, December 9, 2012
- Secretary of the Department of Health, Sebelius’ Remarks at White House Tribal Nations Conference,Indian Country Today,December 6, 2012
- Pine Ridge woman stars as role model,Rapid City Journal,November 29, 2012
- Award-Winning Author to Visit Red Cloud Indian School, Indian Country Today,November 28, 2012
- Jacobs hits last-second shot to lift Red Cloud,Rapid City Journal,March 1, 2012
- Lady Bison one point short at District,Hot Springs Star, February 28, 2012
- Rapid City man restores Wounded Knee site,Rapid City Journal, February 24, 2012
- High School Basketball: Garnier's career night lifts Red Cloud girls to regionals,Rapid City Journal, February 23, 2012
- Creed gets new read, College Sports, February 21, 2012
- McGhee playing for pride, loyalty, Chadron State College, February 21, 2012
- High School Basketball Roundup: Red Cloud holds on for victory, February 21, 2012
- Justice Beautiful Bald Eagle shares culture with presentation athletics through UMAC Creed, Presentation College, February 19, 2012
- Volunteers repair Wounded Knee archway, KELO TV, February 14, 2012
- High School Basketball: Red Cloud girls solve Pine Ridge,Rapid City Journal, February 11, 2012
- Welcome to the best rivalry in South Dakota,Rapid City Journal, February 10, 2012
- Postcard from Iowa, Wisconsin and South Dakota, Artworks Blog, November 30, 2011
- Endowment official praises Red Cloud's Heritage Center,Rapid City Journal, November 18, 2011
- Spotlight on The Heritage Center in South Dakota,Artworks Blog, November 16, 2011
- Red Cloud runners heading to S. Carolina,Rapid City Journal, November 14, 2011
- Capturing students' imaginations at Sanford lab,Rapid City Journal, November 1, 2011
- Hot Springs woman earns nomination for Spirit of Dakota,Hot Springs Star, September 20, 2011
- Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito visits Red Cloud Indian School,Rapid City Journal, August 20, 2011
- New traditions crush old stereotypes,Rapid City Journal, April 22, 2011
- Red Cloud school expands mentoring program,Rapid City Journal, March 26, 2011
- Red Cloud museum receives grant to promote art, artifacts,Rapid City Journal, February 25, 2011
- After house fire, Red Cloud coach rediscovers purpose,Rapid City Journal, December 5, 2010
- Winter Sports Preview: Crusaders ready for another run,Rapid City Journal, December 4, 2010
- Adventure Shopping Alert: Pine Ridge shop offers fine Lakota crafts,Huffington Post, November 29, 2010
- School officials laud Lakota language program,Rapid City Journal, November 15, 2010
- Autumn and the precious few,Argus Leader, November 4, 2010
- Best of the West Golf: Pressure players,Rapid City Journal, October 13, 2010
- Biology student earns National Neurological Disorders award, Univeristy of Colorado-Denver, September 23, 2010
- Skies are Nuggets blue for students from Red Cloud, Denver Nuggets, September 8, 2010
- Strong enough to be Lakota,Teaching Tolerancemagazine, September 2010
- New president named for Red Cloud, current president on sabbatical,Rapid City Journal, May 3, 2010
- Vanishing Words, Vanishing World: ‘When we lose a culture, the whole world loses',Rapid City Journal, April 16, 2010
- Speaking their language, Carleton College magazine, April 2010
- High School District Boys Basketball: Crusaders hold off Pine Ridge for title,Rapid City Journal, March 4, 2010
- High School Spotlight: A rivalry renewed,Rapid City Journal, February 11, 2010
- LNI alums discuss college experiences,Rapid City Journal, December 16, 2009
- Students dedicate high school building addition with Lakota rite, celebration,Rapid City Journal, October 16, 2009
- Save the young Lakota men,Rapid City Journal, October 6, 2009
- Nuggets host Red Cloud basketball team, receive "star quilt", Denver Nuggets, October 3, 2009
- Faith on the job: Urban Rangers, Lakota team up for project,Rapid City Journal, August 26, 2009