Lay Leadership

At the core of our work are our lay leaders, who are shining examples of a sustainable model of parish ministry—an approach that addresses the reality that there is a shortage of priests while also empowering Lakota people to develop as leaders in the Church.

This approach also nurtures a sense of belonging in and ownership of the local church among the Lakota, for it is difficult to develop a local church without local leadership.

There are currently no Lakota priests or seminarians, and we have one Lakota deacon on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Until we have Lakota clergy and religious, the Lakota lay ministers are our best way of promoting local leadership. That is why, in 2015, an initiative was begun to train Lakota leaders. This four-year program runs from September to May each year with weekly classes designed to inspire and enable community members to serve as lay ministers.

To learn more how you can become part of our pastoral ministry work, please contact Joyce Tibbitts, pastoral associate, at (605) 867-5491 ext. 2616 or .