Parent-Teacher Conferences
Red Cloud Elementary recognizes the importance of the larger school community. Parental involvement and community interest is an important part of the educational process. Only through such interchange can major areas in the life of the students, from home to school, be drawn together constructively.
In addition to scheduled conferences with parents and guardians, progress within this program is noted by the teacher and relayed to the parent or guardian of each student on a regular basis. Report cards assign the student's performance in each area of evaluation to a place on a scale moving from excellent to failing. Accompanying this evaluation scale is a further scale that makes recommendations for improvement. It is hoped that this method increases communication and cooperation between family and school by directing the efforts of both to the welfare and development of the student.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
In addition to the report cards, Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled. Parents and guardians should be aware of the benefit a conference can have for the education of the student. It once again underscores common efforts of teacher and home to provide for the welfare of the child.