Red Cloud Elementary students vote for favorite books as part of weeklong read-a-thon
posted on March 25, 2011
After spending the entire week reading book after book after book, students at Red Cloud Elementary School went to the voting booth in the library on Friday, March 25, to vote for their favorite book as part of the South Dakota Library Association’s Prairie Bud Book Award competition.
One of the books that the students at Red Cloud read this week will be given the People’s Choice Award as voted on by students in grades kindergarten through third. Students from all across the state of South Dakota took part in the weeklong read-a-thon.
Kathleen Siebrasse, librarian at Red Cloud Elementary, says the literacy program—and the voting booth held on Friday—gets the kids excited to read.
After voting Friday, students proudly wore stickers that said, “I am a South Dakota Prairie Bud Reader.” Votes from the balloting will be sent to the South Dakota Library Association.